How to use TextExpander to Save Time

Kaytriona Williams
3 min readDec 9, 2020

Hey! I’m spending 30 days building a series of tutorial videos and blog posts demonstrating how to use strategic tech tools that benefit startups. This is my tutorial on TextExpander. If you’re interested in learning more about my project, you can view the full project here.

I recently came across TextExpander when I was building a chatbot and looking for an easier and faster way to reply to the messages with valid responses.

TextExpander is truly a game-changer. It allows you to create snippets that when you type them out, a longer sentence will appear.

Screenshot from my tutorial video

For example, I could create a snippet under “zsig” and whenever I type that on my computer, no matter where, my signature would appear. (Sig is short for signature and I added the z in front so I don't accidentally type it.)

The best part it TextExpander is so easy to use! Check out this short video I made explaining how to use it. Or continue reading for a quick overview!

Step 1: Make an Account

If you're unsure about using TextExpander, still go check it out. They provide you with a free fourteen-day trial so nothing lost. (But I think you’ll love it!)

As you can see below, this is what your snippets would look like. You can add labels and edit the text when you click on them.

Step 2: Make a Snippet

Start by clicking “add snippet” and then enter all your desired text into the blank box. You could do anything from email templates to commonly used phrases.

Next, write a label on it and think of an abbreviation. You want to choose something easy enough that you can remember it, but difficult enough that you won't accidentally type it. That’s why it's good to choose one key work and then put “z” in front of it. (Ex. “zsig”.)

Step 3: Start Creating

A very valuable way to use text expander (which I explain in my video) is to use it for a chatbot. You can copy answers from the FAQ’s page so that when you receive these frequently asked questions through your chatbot TextExpander has them ready to go just by typing out something as simple as “zprice” for a question about what your prices are.

I personally have found TextExpander to be very useful in my day-to-day life, I forget I’m even using it because it’s become such a habit to type out something like “zem” instead of my email.

So get started! Even if all you use it for is your email and signature, I promise you’ll appreciate the time it saves you. I hope you can find it just as beneficial as I did!

For additional information, be sure to check out the tutorial video I made.



Kaytriona Williams

Hello! I’m 20 and I love to read, draw, and play the piano.